The Story Behind “Castle on the Hill”


       Ed Sheeran spent most of his childhood years in the English countryside town of Framlingham, Suffolk, before moving to London at the age of 17 to pursue a music career. He pays homage on this nostalgic pop-rock number to his upbringing in the provincial Eastern England town.

I miss the way you make me feel, and it’s real

We watched the sunset over the castle on the hill

     Sheeran said when introducing the track on BBC Radio 1’s Breakfast Show: “This is a love song for Suffolk, because I don’t think anyone has ever done that.”

     The small market town of Framlingham is centred around a medieval castle, which Sheeran alludes to in this song. Constructed by Roger Bigod, the 2nd Earl of Norfolk about 1190, it was unusual for the time in having no central keep. Mary Tudor was living at the castle when her half-brother Edward VI died in 1553. When she seized power, Mary collected her forces there before successfully marching on London. Today Framlingham Castle is a popular tourist attraction.

       Sheeran told Carson Daly on 97.1 AMP Radio why he chose to pen a song in which he reflects on his upbringing.

“There’s a lot of positivity in my hometown, but like, there’s also a lot of sadness as well,” he explained, “whether it be people not coming back or people passing away or people not achieving what they could’ve achieved, so I just wanted to touch on it a little bit, I guess.”