The Story Behind “Dapat Tama”


     The song “Dapat tama” is all about voting for the right person who will lead our whole country. It tells us how important to be wise in choosing to whom candidate we will give the chance to control our country. We must think to whom we will give our trust. In just one shade and a thumb mark, the whole country may change into its best or even to its worst.

       Whenever election is coming, many people starts to do campaigns. Pretending that they are a good citizen so they can easily get our trust and votes. They will do everything so the citizen can remember their name just like doing a jingle and its lyrics is all about the achievements and all of the beautiful works of the candidate. Sometimes, they also include their platforms and the things that they promise to do if they will win and be elected as an official. Some give shirts, umbrellas, fans, and posters with their faces and names. But not all the candidates are good honest and trustful, some can do bad things just to win. When it’s the time for election, some buy the votes of the people which is not fair.

      We must think before trust someone that can control the beauty of our country. Don’t judge the book by its cover. Even if the cover is good, we do not know what is the story behind it so better look at the content first before giving your vote to it.