The Story Behind “One Day”


The meaning of the song is that War needs to stop and that we should have hope that some day it will.

The song explains that the world is a place that is not peaceful. Specifically, the people in the world do not get along and how their fighting doesn’t stop. Lyrics Meaning and Purpose “Put your focus on that one day, and there might be world peace.”

This is saying that everyone should put effort in each and every day to become closer to the goal of world peace. Meaning Purpose The purpose of this song is to explain to people how life would be better if no one fought wars and all people settled disagreements peacefully.

Ex: “All my life I’ve been waiting for, I’ve been praying for, for the people to say, that we don’t wanna fight no more, there’ll be no more wars, and our children will play” The song has lyrics protesting the war which the author blends with religious beliefs..

“Sometimes I lay under the moon and thank God I’m breathing then I pray don’t take me soon cause I am here for a reason”

This means that the author prays to God to keep him alive for the very reason of speaking out against war. Imagery
“When they feed on the souls of the innocent,

Blood drenched pavement”

“Keep on moving

through the waters stay raging”

“In this maze you can lose your way (you’re way)”

     Relating to the Novel The novel, The Things The Carried, by Tim O’Brien, goes into great detail about the horrendous events of war. The Song, “One Day,” by Matisyahu tells us that we need to step up to prevent the horrors from occurring that O’Brien mentions. One Day.